Accomplished NaBloPoMo

I blogged every single day for the month of November, counting this entry for today. I’m phoning this one in and rambling a bit though.

I am looking forward to not blogging tomorrow unless I feel like it. I’m hoping to go back to my Examiner writing again, because I took a break from it like two months ago and never returned to it.

I have not read a book a while, like sat down and actually read a book. I just don’t have the time. I’m in the middle of a book I want to finish, but I don’t have the drive and the time to do it. I don’t think I’m going to make my goal of 52 books this year, which makes me sad. Well, if count Audio books I’m already over 52, but otherwise I’m standing at 45 books for the year, and 15 audio books (all unabridged). I might have time for 7 books in December, but I don’t think so. Last year I think I hit 52 by August, but I only had one child for most of 2009.

I’m listening to the latest Wheel of Time book right now and really enjoying it. I really like the Wheel of Time books. I’m looking forward to the conclusion.

I miss reading, but I think I might miss going to the movies even more. We used to go almost every weekend, now I’m lucky to see three movies in theaters in a year. I just don’t miss it enough to change my lifestyle or anything about my life, but I still miss it. Especially when we DO go see a movie and every single frickin preview is a movie I want to go see. Speaking of, Eclipse comes out on DVD this week. I’m looking forward to it.

Can you believe that Hanukkah starts TOMORROW NIGHT?

Big Boy bed

I took today off work, and I lugged in all the loot I had acquired on Black Friday to be sorted, wrapped, and put into hiding. This took much more of my day than I would have liked.

Landon had school, but Oliver and I spent the day together. We went to Bookmans, a used bookstore that is local. What I don’t think I mentioned is that we had that yard about a month ago, and I made twenty dollars. No one wanted my old Star Trek stuff. So I packed it up and took it Bookmans, where they gave me $185 in store credit. Needless to say, I had fun today picking out books for the kids at Bookmans. It’s my go to gift for Hanukah for my boys. Hanukah starts Wednesday night, so I had to get that stuff bought and wrapped. I’d say I’m over seventy-five percent done shopping, although some of that is in transit from the store to my house. Oliver was excellent today, he really enjoyed shopping with me. Even if he did fall asleep as I pulled into a parking spot at Costco.

We ordered Landon a bed off of Amazon as an early Christmas present yesterday, and Bobby went out and got him a mattress. Last night, Landon slept on his mattress instead of in his car bed, and today I dismantled the car bed and stuck it in the garage. I’ll pull it back out in six to nine months for Oliver, when he’s ready to come out of the crib. Landon has been telling me recently that he “is five now” even though he’s not even four and half. He is so proud of himself for sleeping in his big bed.

Last night was a special night for Landon. We’d DVR’ed Young Justice for us to watch, and after we put Ollie to bed we let Landon stay up and watch it with us. He really seemed to enjoy it and was very good, so if the series actually airs, I think we’ll make it a night for all three of us to watch it together.

Movie night and pictures

Yesterday we dropped the boys off at Grandma’s house and actually went and saw a movie! We saw the newest Harry Potter, the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I really liked it. Bobby really hated it. I was amazed at how much is left out of the story when you watch the movies instead of reading the books. I mean, they just introduced Bill for the first time in this movie? But he was around all the time in the books! Well, not all the time, but more than enough. Bobby found the movie boring in spots, and I can see that. Overall, I liked it, and it was nice to get away.
After the movie we went and picked up Ollie, but Landon wanted to stay the night. Oliver was so happy to see me. It makes me happy when he lights up like that. I’m having trouble dealing with how big he is, or how quickly he has turned one! It’s all very odd.
It is cold and rainy here today. This cold snap is just weird. It’s normally still in the high 70s or even the 80s. This year it’s just cold.
Anyway, here are the pictures from thanksgiving:/henchgiving:

this is his little bird mouth









Bring on the Holidays!!!!

Well, it ended up that we apparently tossed our old Christmas tree last year! I had totally forgotten. This was sad because I could have gotten a better deal yesterday than today, but we did go buy one today. It makes me happy to have it up in the house. We haven’t put the ornaments on yet, we’re waiting to see what Tansy (the kitten) and Ollie do to it.
Landon and Oliver have both been very good today, they are just adorable. Oliver had an unfortunately overfull exploded poopy diaper when I got him out of bed this morning. He ended up taking an early morning bath, and was none the worse for wear. He likes his bath. I remember that sort of thing happening all the time with Landon, but thankfully, with Ollie, this seems to be a rare occurrence.
Henchgiving last night was wonderful. Most of the Hench showed up armed with food, and it was so great to see one another and enjoy the good will and good friendships. It is one of my favorite nights of the year. I am so excited for Christmas I can already taste it. I can’t wait to take the kids on the Polar Express to Santa in a few weeks. Bring on the Holidays!!!!
I’m working on my Christmas Address list, so this is your last chance to supply me with an updated address if you want a card.

Combat Shopping! Stand back, we are a highly trained team of professionals!

Combat shopping badge for 2010 has been earned!
Gathered up my crack team of shoppers at 3:30 AM and went out to Target. We got there about 10 minutes before it opened and found a line that went all the way around the building. The wind was freezing and we were forced to huddle together for warmth. We lamented the small size of the team this year, we needed more warm bodies! They were out of carts already. As the line was let in, we used our eagle eyes and spotted someone who was already leaving with their door buster TV. Laura shot out into the night and fetched the cart before anyone else could catch it. We entered the store, finally, prepared for anything. As we dug through pajamas, the line to check out built all the way back to us. One minute, Liz was standing in the aisle with our cart, guarding it from evil cart thieves, the next minute; she was in line to check out. Liz called home base, and sent us out into the field to fetch door busters.
I found myself braving the store alone, and barreled through. I got Landon a new comforter and sheet set for what I hope will be his new bed, and then hit the toy section. Soon I had piled my door busters so high that I could not see. I returned to base to unload. There we regrouped and sent out another search party. We gathered the last few items before getting a frantic call from base, it was CHECKOUT TIME. Total time inside Target? Less than hour! Amount saved? Over $200 between three shoppers.
From there, it was off to Kmart, which had a confusing issue with not having things labeled with any prices. We were forced to constantly refer to our field guide for prices, which did slow us up. Once we were done there, we went next door to Big Lots! We were sad to find that we needed 4 of an item and the store had only 2 left. We checked out and headed off to Michaels.
Michael’s had some decent bargains, and the store was mostly quiet, so the team relaxed and shopped together. One of our number purchased a large box containing a Tree, which required the van to be unpacked in order to fit the item in.
From there it was off to one more Big Lots! Where we recovered the other 2 of the last item, and headed to breakfast.
Overall, it was a win.

Happy Thanksgiving! What I am thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family! I feel especially blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I am thankful for all of you, but I want to talk today about some things I am specifically thankful for today.

The thing I am most thankful for on this chilly Thanksgiving morning is my family. Oliver overcame such frightening odds roughly one year ago today. He fought harder than I would have imagined a baby of less than one month could have. I will be forever grateful that he was able to stay with us on this Earth, in this life. Oliver is a sweet child who loves attention. Landon has always precocious child, and he is such an awesome boy. My little soy boys, Oliver seem to prefer soy over milk and the two of them can demolish a whole box at breakfast time. My boys are my life, and they are wonderful. I am so thankful to have both of them.

I am also very thankful for my husband. Bobby has always been determined to achieve a great, stable life for us, and we’ve worked together to do just that. He sees what he wants and he goes for it, but he is also very mindful of others. In the end, Bobby just wants to help and care for everyone. It makes him happy to help others out with their problems. He has his own views on how thinks should work, and those ideas are perfectly reasoned and painstakingly researched, which means convincing him his idea might be in error is a challenge. I admire his stubborn ferocity, but his willingness to always meet me in the middle, even when he’s sure I am wrong, it one of my favorite things about him. Bobby is my best friend, and has been for a very long time. But he is also so much more than that, he is my partner in life and the love of my life. I still think he is the most sexy person I have ever met, and the unselfish one too. Bobby is amazing, and I’m so thankful that he is my husband.

I’m thankful for my extended family as well. In the age of the internet I’m able to connect with some members of my extended family more than I ever could in the past, and these renewed connections, particularly those on facebook, are something I am thankful for. I’m thankful that my mom has found happiness in her new marriage in in her life. I love having my Uncle Jack so involved in our life, and I love the way he interacts with my boys and is there for them. It is great to have my little brother in our lives and to be able to see him on a regular basis. My in-laws are wonderful. They love spending time with the boys, and I can see the love in their eyes. Knowing that my boys are growing up with an extended family of loving grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles is something I am very thankful for. Being able to get together with them, to have their love and support, to be able to count on them for birthdays and Christmas means the world to me.

I’m thankful for The Hench. I’ve never met a more amazing group of people. We willingly, gleefully gather once a week to talk, geek out, vent, share, and care for one another. Even many of those who can’t actually show up in person due to life getting in the way, or distance, still help out and are active with the group online. I know that if I were in a serious jam, I could ask the hench for help, and I would get it. I am so thankful for being able to be an active part of this amazing group.

I’m thankful for my friends and for technology. If you are an “internet only” friend, someone I haven’t met in real life, than I am thankful for you reading my journal and sharing your life with me via your own journal. I’m thankful for the advice and the support in comments when you leave them. It makes me happy to be involved in your life by reading and commenting as well. I do have some local, real life friends outside of the hench, and I am thankful for them as well, variety is the spice of life. Being able to escape work for lunch with a good friend is often the best part of my day, and I love meeting new people!

I have so much to be thankful for this year. I’ve got a healthy, loving, adorable, perfect family. I’ve got a nice house, good healthcare, two working cars, dual incomes from decent jobs. Not to mention that I’ve got some goals around photography that I’m looking forward to reaching for, as well as amazed that I am a paid writer for various blogs! I consider myself successful. I never imagined I’d he such a network of friends in my lifetime. I’ve got friends around the world, and a large group of local friends. I’ve got this loving extended family both here in AZ and spread across the US.

I am thankful for my life. I am thankful most of all for the people in my life. I’m thankful I have the resources to support a nice lifestyle.

I am thankful you took the time to read all of this. I am thankful for you, dear reader. THANK YOU!!!!!

Ollie one year well visit

Mr. Oliver had his well check today! He is 32 inches tall (95%), 26 lbs (90%), and has a 49 CM head (100%). What that means is that he is very tall for his age. He is also pretty big, but proportionately so. And he’s catching up to his brother’s head size.
We talked about a lot of concerns we’ve been having with him, but the doctor thinks everything is normal. (Which is pretty much what everyone else who interacts with him regularly says too.) Between his medical history and my constantly comparing him to what Landon could do, I’m causing myself to stress over a perfectly normal, healthy, little man.
Poor boy got four shots, but hopefully that won’t slow him down too much with the turkey tomorrow.
I’ve got to get started on making some of my mom’s famous French Silk Chocolate Cream Pie, to go in Bobby’s Gluten Free Chocolate Crusts he made for me yesterday. Tomorrow should be fun!


All better today, thank goodness.

Oliver has his one year well visit tomorrow, and this is the first time I’m going in where I don’t have a list of questions and concerns a mile and a half long. I think that is a good thing. My stress level and trauma levels seems to have decreased on that front. I think it’s because at this time last year he was recovering at an astounding rate. I’m hoping this means I’m over the hump, and perhaps next year won’t be so bad. A friend of mine sent me this link to Anniversary Reactions, and that totally fits my bill, so to speak.

It seems unnaturally cold out for Arizona in the fall, I’d call this our winter weather. I wonder if we are in for a longer or colder than usual winter this year?

Today’s Questionable Content made me cry. It may make you cry, but probably only if you’ve been reading for the last few months. QC is my favorite online comic right now, and has been for a while. But it’s not the only comic I read.

I really enjoy webcomics overall, so today I thought I’d share my list of comics I have to read on a daily basis. If you are a fan of these, let me know! If you think, based on this list, that I might enjoy a comic you read/write, link me baby!

So, my comics are:
Questionable Content
Skin horse
Evil Inc
Darth & Droids
Order of the Stick
Devil’s Panties
Freak Angels
Book of Biff
Plan B
and, Max Vs Max, which isn’t that good, but I read because I LOVED You’ll have that, which was such a sweet comic strip. If you haven’t read You’ll have that, you should go and read it.

I gave up on PVP a few years back. I read Penny Arcade every couple of weeks, but not regularly.

I dislike throwing up

Spent last night puking my guts out, so I am working from home today. I am so tired. The boys went to their normal care places. I’m feeling a little better today, so here is hoping the crackers and water I just ate stay down.
At least it’s a short work week, right?




You can see all of the pictures here on flickr

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