Babies attack!
Babies attack!
Costume party 10/26/08
Wonder woman and pirates
Wonder woman and pirates
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
Momma Pirate
Momma Pirate
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
I do not like this hat
I do not like this hat
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
I am a pirate
I am a pirate
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
Pirate attacked by aunt Chandra
Pirate attacked by aunt Chandra
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
close up
close up
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
more attacks!
more attacks!
Cousin’s Halloween Birthday Bash 10/27/08
I am a pirate!
I am a pirate!
back of a pirate
back of a pirate

Halloween and Emily watching

I just love the way the sun looked in this picture 10/15/07 @ grandmas
I'm so cool
I’m so cool
In Aunt Heather’s Glasses 10/15/07 @ grandmas
Being pushed around by gabe 10/15/07 @ grandmas
Emily and Lanond playing
Emily and Lanond playing
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Emily is trying to phone home on the train track
Emily is trying to phone home on the train track
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
I like dice. and wheels!
I like dice. and wheels!
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Hrm, your mom is weird Mr. Landon
Hrm, your mom is weird Mr. Landon
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Wild things
Wild things
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
So whats a Giraffe like you doing in a lion bar like this?
So whats a Giraffe like you doing in a lion bar like this?
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Ha Ha!  Your mom dresses you funny!
Ha Ha! Your mom dresses you funny!
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
(I love the tail) Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
hey! she has my cup?
hey! she has my cup?
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Landon- No, Really! I want My cup! Evil Emily! give it back!
Landon- No, Really! I want My cup! Evil Emily! give it back!
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Emily- erm, okay, take it...
Emily- erm, okay, take it…
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Emily- Thank you, come again!
Emily- Thank you, come again!
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Landon the giraffe
Landon the giraffe
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Mom, I don't think this color suits me
Mom, I don’t think this color suits me
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
peek a boo
peek a boo
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
I feel odd
I feel odd
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
Okay, I admit it mom, it's cute!
Okay, I admit it mom, it’s cute!
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/20/07
What is she doing in my room?
What is she doing in my room?
Over the weekend where we babysat Emily 10/21/07

In the pictures above, Landon appears as both a lion and a Giraffe. Which is cuter?
A. Lion
B. Giraffe

Which should Landon be for Halloween
A. Lion
B. Giraffe
C. Pirate
D. Ghost
E. I’ve got a better idea!

Landon and Charles
Landon and Charles
Landon meets some bulldog pups
Landon meets some bulldog pups
You know I'm cute!
You know I’m cute!
Landon gives a sleeping Darion a kiss. 10/11/07
Landon asleep
Landon asleep
at Laura’s 10/12/07
Hi Cassia!
Hi Cassia!
Landon at Mindy’s baby shower. 10/13/07
Oct 07
On the catwalk
On the catwalk
Landon and Penny
Landon and Penny
One, Two, Babies coming for you
One, Two, Babies coming for you
my ball!
my ball!
Couch babies
Couch babies
Penny, Landon, Cassia
Penny, Landon, Cassia
Landon looks like he wants to rock out. 10/13/07
Penny, Lan, Cassia
Penny, Lan, Cassia
Holly, Penny, Lan, Cassia
Holly, Penny, Lan, Cassia
cherios please?
cherios please?
Attack of the Holly!
Attack of the Holly!
Landon is stuck
Landon is stuck
at the barns and noble. His hand is caught in the bridge. 10/13/07
I am so cute!
I am so cute!
Uncle Sam, Landon,Great Uncle Jack, Mom
Uncle Sam, Landon,Great Uncle Jack, Mom
10/14/07 at Jason’s deli

Letter from mom Year 1.2

Dear Landon-
14 months old!
This month you finally started to parrot back. Only a little, and only recently, but sometimes we can get you to say back the words we say to you. Things like “Fish” and “Up.” You like to babble, and we often have interesting conversations where you babble a lot, and then pause for me to reply. You are adorable. You will point at things and wants to know their names now, but you don’t really have repeating the names back to us down. You also know that if we put shoes on it means we are going somewhere. You will run to the door in your shod feet and try to turn the handle. I think you totally understand how the door handle works, you just can’t get a grip on it to turn it yourself, thank goodness. Still, I suspect that you will be opening doors long before we are ready for you to. Your top molars are coming in now too, so soon chewing will actually be an option for you.
We took our second Cabin trip since your birth. This one was much fun. We took you hiking, and you seemed to enjoy the time in the backpack, although your favorite thing was just to walk around outside. You love to be outside, and you are really enjoying walking around now days.
You also threw your very first in public full on Temper tantrum this month. We went to the book store, and you were playing with the Thomas train set that they have there. We shopped, you played. Then it was time to go. I told you it was time to go, and you stomped your little foot and shook your little head. I told you again that it was time to go, and you repeated your displeasure at this idea with yet another food stomp and head shake. I then took the train away from you and picked you up. You then proceeded to scream at the top of your little lungs, while struggling to be put down and shaking your little head even more. You did this until you were in the car, buckled into your seat, and we were driving away while playing Jack’s Big Music Show soundtrack and singing aloud to it.
You LOVE Jack’s big music show. When it come on you get all excited and clap and wave your arms about. Adorable.
Daddy bought you Soy Ice cream, chocolate and peanut butter flavored. You love it. You big sign that shows how much you have grown this month is that you are now Bottle Free and Formula Free. You drink a couple of glasses of Soy Milk a day, and you seem to really like it.
You also suddenly started giving kisses. You will say the word “Kisses” sometimes, and sometimes you will lean in and push your face at someone’s and say MMM-Ba!
Love Always,

Hi Elaira
Is Landon Macking on Elaira?
Look Mom! The Wedding will be soon!!!!
Daddy is silly

ice cream
ice cream
landons first icecream sept 07
landons first icecream sept 07
Grandmas fish
Grandmas fish
at the park
at the park
I got this stair thing down
I got this stair thing down
a bowl!
a bowl!
it's my new friend!
it’s my new friend!
hangin with Michael
hangin with Michael
9/29/07 at Elaira’s birthday party
swimming with Laura
swimming with Laura
9/29/07 at Elaira’s birthday party
or should I say spinning?
or should I say spinning?
9/29/07 at Elaira’s birthday party
getting dizzy
getting dizzy
9/29/07 at Elaira’s birthday party
9/29/07 at Elaira’s birthday party
Great Uncle Jack Rocks!
Great Uncle Jack Rocks!
9/30/07 @ Uncle Bear’s Restaurant
Uncle Sam, Great Uncle Jack, and Mom
Uncle Sam, Great Uncle Jack, and Mom
9/30/07 @ Uncle Bear’s Restaurant
Mom and her brother Sam and Landon
Mom and her brother Sam and Landon
9/30/07 @ Uncle Bear’s Restaurant
9/30/07 @ Uncle Bear’s Restaurant