
From Hench o Ween 09
From Hench o Ween 09
From Hench o Ween 09
From Hench o Ween 09

Busy weekend. Friday we went to Landon’s fall festival, which was interesting, but nothing amazing. They had each classroom turned into a game or activity for the event, some were neat, some were not. They had a ton of food, but none of it was worth the risk to Landon or Bobby, so we just ate before we went. Landon got some candy and had his face painted. Overall, he had a great time.
Saturday we relaxed in the morning and then took Landon over to Laura’s. We left him there with Courtney and headed out to a good friends wedding reception. The reception was beautiful. Afterwards we hit Margaritaville because we were over on that side of town. Dinner was wonderful, but I was sad that I couldn’t get a drink. It ended up being a good thing, because Bobby’s drink hit him a little harder than expected, so I drove us home.
Sunday we went to the State Fair. We got there just after they opened. Overall, it was probably not worth the money. The place was dead, which was nice. Landon really enjoyed riding the rides. I was floored that he wanted to ride the ferris wheel. He doesn’t like heights. He loved the ferris wheel though. I thought for sure I was in for a panicked child once we got off the ground, but he was all smiles. He also rode some other rides, including driving kiddie bumpercars by himself, and riding one of the kid rollercoaster things.
The food was only okay at the fair, and there just wasn’t a ton to do. And the rides and games were very pricey!
After we finished at the fair (about 3 hours spent there in total) We went out to Grandma’s house for a little while, which Landon loved. He did not want to come home after!
On Monday I picked him up at 10:30 and took him for an H1N1 vax, then returned him to school. Bobby and I have already had the vax.
Today I had a midwife appt and then had lunch with Laura. Tonight night I am planning to go protest the raising of daycare licensing fees. Weds Landon and I will hang out and have some fun. Thursday I am hoping to get my car in for service, it needs an oil change. Friday we have game.
I would really like to go into labor today. I don’t expect to go into labor for another few weeks though

Basically Ollie might be “too early” to be born this week. I don’t want him to come before he’s ready, but my god, I am so ready. And this week works better for birthdays anyway. And then he’d be more than 6 weeks come Christmas. *sigh* nothing to do but wait though. Waiting for Labor just might be the worst part of this.
36 weeks. Of course, now the doctor says I’m full term using their due dates.

My midwife was running about 90 minutes behind schedule today. Turns out the other midwife is out of town, and she had THREE babies born last night! Anyway, so after much waiting around, I had a quick U/S to confirm Ollie is indeed head down. 1 cm dilated, 25% effaced. However, my boy is at station -4, so his head is not engaged in the “pelvic region” where it needs to be.
Still, for being 36 weeks by my count, that’s not too bad. I’m hoping Ollie comes soon. I have read online that often second babies don’t become engaged until Labor starts. Everything looked great.
Had lunch at Red Robin with Laura, which was fun and tasty. I also hit Babies R Us and grabbed a few things with the gift card my work gave me.
We’re going to a meeting tonight to protest the sudden jump in licensing fee taxes for care providers (including childcare, after school programs, and adult day care centers). Should be interesting.

Landon’s school pictures, his school’s fall festival, Golfland, and a trip to the state fair.

Recently Updated

weekend update, midwife appt.

Overall, a very good weekend.
Friday we gamed. Saturday we had the baby shower, and Sunday Bobby put up the first wall in my library. I had today off and got some shopping done for Ollie and for Christmas. I think I overdid it, I’m wiped out.
The baby shower was truly amazing. I have such wonderful friends and family. I did not expect to get the Joovy caboose stroller, the baby jumperoo, an infant swing, and a changing table. Not to mention lots of other cool stuff, including a video of advice from the hench for Ollie. And the amazing Bear cake! We played a couple baby shower games, including a clothes pin game, where you couldn’t say the word Baby without losing a pin. There was guess the baby food by smell game, and lots of good company. I can’t believe how loved and blessed we were.
In other news, I think Ollie has dropped some. He is sitting lower than he was. He dropped on Friday. Today I had contractions on and off too. This kid is going to come early, I’m almost sure. I’m also pretty hopeful.
Baby Shower Pics:

Baby Shower

So I had a midwife appointment yesterday. According to them I’ll be “full term” (37 weeks) on Saturday (10/24). According to me it’s full term on Nov 2nd.
My blood pressure was fine, I actually hadn’t gained any weight in the past week. All my vitals were fine, Ollie is measuring on track for their due date still. His heartbeat was in the 140-150 range. I got the results back for Group B Strep, and I’m still negative, as I was for Landon. This is good news, as it means they won’t push me to put in an IV until I’m ready for it. The midwife did encourage me to get a hep lock, but I told her I wasn’t going to until I actually needed the IV. They had me sign some papers stating I understood what a midwife does, and at what point a doctor is needed. For example, if I want a C section, I need the doctor, of course.
I got all my documents filled out and turned in for my maternity leave; at least I hope I did. I got the H1N1 flu shot as well. So I’ve gotten both flu shots and so has Bobby. Landon still needs the H1N1, but I’m trying to hold out for the actual shot for him, rather than the flumist. Bobby got the flumist and ended up with a runny nose and some achiness from it. So far, other than my arm feeling a little bruised, (which is my own fault) I’ve had no side effects from mine. I always tense up and jerk a little, which causes more soreness than if I could just relax and get the shot. I managed to get it without anyone having to hold me down though. When I got in the car after the appointment, I did have an attack of the shakes, but I waited till it passed and then went and got some food in me. Post needle traumatic stress or something, I really hate needles!
So I’ve got my all my ducks in a row for Ollie’s arrival at this point. I think I have everything ready both here at home and for in the hospital. I’ve got my pump packed, I made sure it worked, and all the supplies I need to feed Ollie if BFing fails for some reason. No formula for this little dude until he’s at least 6 weeks old.
Friday night Landon’s school is having their fall festival, so we are attending that. Saturday is a wedding reception for a good friend, and Sunday we may hit the state fair. My leave starts on Monday, so no more work for me after Friday. I’m trying to leave the rest of my schedule open and flexible, so that I can give birth to this boy whenever he’s ready.
Had a weird dream the other night that I gave birth to Ollie and that he was a she. Bobby and I then proceeded to have a huge fight over what to name Ollie.

Park and Ollie’s shower

Wow Wow Wubbzy!
Wow Wow Wubbzy!
Landon’s Halloween costume
Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Countryside Park Oct 09

Ollie’s Baby Shower Pics are here:

Baby Shower

Behold, 30 U.S. senators who don’t give a d*mn about battered women

I think there are about 30 senators out there that need to be impeached, right away. And unfortunately, 2 of them are for my state. Why should they be removed?

Because of this: The gang rape and the Republicans / Behold, 30 U.S. senators who don’t give a damn about battered women

From the above article:
Here is freshman Minnesota senator Al Franken’s first-ever legislative action, a relatively simple, almost laughably surefire bill requiring the Pentagon no longer do business with any contractor — hi, Halliburton! — that requires its employees to agree that she cannot sue said contractor if she is, oh let’s just say, gangraped by its employees .
You read that right. It’s a can’t-sue-us-if-you’re-raped clause. In a U.S. government contract. Aimed squarely at Halliburton.

What are their names? Glad you asked:
NAYs —30
Alexander (R-TN)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE) Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)

Pumpkin patch

Landon trying to decide which pumpkin to chose
Landon trying to decide which pumpkin to chose
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
this one Dada!
this one Dada!
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
awesome, tractor tires!
awesome, tractor tires!
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
That's a high jump for me to try Dada, help me out!
That’s a high jump for me to try Dada, help me out!
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
Entering the maze
Entering the maze
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
Bobby let Landon lead
Bobby let Landon lead
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
now which way?
now which way?
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
almost there!
almost there!
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
We did it!
We did it!
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
going for a tractor ride
going for a tractor ride
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
not sure what to think of the bumpy ride
not sure what to think of the bumpy ride
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
but he had a blast
but he had a blast
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
petting the goats
petting the goats
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
decorating a pumpkin
decorating a pumpkin
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
stick it right here
stick it right here
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
almost done
almost done
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
look how tall I am
look how tall I am
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ
eating cotton candy for the first time
eating cotton candy for the first time
10/11/09 Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch, Gilbert AZ

Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch

pumpkin patch and relaxing

Friday morning I dropped Bobby’s van off for service at the local dealership, it needed an oil change and one of the headlights burned out. I hate it when one burns out, it means the other one is going to go in the next few weeks. Work was dull, but I got out early to go get the van, and then we had a nice Thai dinner with Dirk and Laura. Bobby ran the last of his game for now. I fell asleep again. I have no energy. Bobby’s game went well, and we are on hiatus from that gaming group until January. They are going to play a game without us in the meantime. With Ollie coming so soon, I feel like we need the break, and I can’t seem to stay awake for anyone’s game anymore.

Saturday was supposed to be my nephew Van’s fourth birthday, but he was ill, so it was canceled. We did have a good lunch with Uncle Jack and Uncle Sam (my brother). I hadn’t seen Sam in a while, so it was good to catch up.

Saturday evening we had some people over for ROCKBAND BEATLES! And we finished the game, in the sense that we have played every song. We need to go back and unlock everything still. We had a blast overall though! Emily and Landon had fun playing together, and we put them down to sleep in Landon’s room.

Sunday I slept in, which was wonderful. Bobby got up with Landon at 5:30 in the morning. At some point before I awoke they went to the park and home depot. Landon brought me home a very pretty plant with pink flowers! Landon and I did some grocery shopping while Bobby worked out at the AJ house. We met for lunch at Rubios and then went over to Mother Nature’s Farm – Pumpkin Patch. Landon had a lot of fun picking out a pumpkin, riding the tractor ride, and decorating a pumpkin. (pictures at Landon and Ollie)

We had a lazy Sunday afternoon after nap, and we got in the spa for some swimming. Overall it was a pretty relaxing weekend.

I’m back at work today, but only two more weeks to go (counting this week) until I start my vacation and maternity leave! I’m 34 weeks pregnant today by my calculations. The doctor says I’m 35 weeks 4 days. Either way, I’m planning on Ollie arriving, at the earliest, three weeks from today, and at the latest, seven weeks from today. If we get past the seven weeks, (and into December) I will most likely consent to an induction at this point. So I’m hoping Ollie will be an early bird, unlike Landon, who was LATE!

Landon at a birthday party at the park

Countryside park 10/4/09
Countryside park 10/4/09
Countryside park 10/4/09
Countryside park 10/4/09
Countryside park 10/4/09
Countryside park 10/4/09
Countryside park 10/4/09

more here:

Jamie's 4th birthday

Dumptruck Mommy!

Good Weekend overall. Game Friday, breast feeding class on Saturday followed by a Landon free date night, Jamie’s birthday party was Sunday.
Rick made us spicy pork for dinner for game, and it was TASTY. Game was good, our characters are now going into space!
Saturday morning I got up and went over to Baby, Mother, and More for their free breast feeding class. It ended up being run by the LC who works there, which was one of the three LCs I saw when Landon wouldn’t breastfeed. One of the ones who told me I was doing everything right. *sigh* It was a good refresher, but overall, I just am hopefully Ollie will be a better eater than Landon was.
Saturday afternoon Bobby’s mom offered to take Landon, so Bobby ran out to Christine’s house to fix her computer while Landon napped. Once Landon woke up from nap, I ran him over to Grandma’s house, and then met up with Bobby at Oreganos. Dinner was super tasty. We came home and FINALLY watched “”Watchmen” which of course, felt was overtly depressing. We weren’t fans.
Sunday morning the grandparents dropped Landon off with us, and said he had been very good, but had coughed a lot. We knew he’d picked up a cough from Thursday night dinner. He was a little clingy but doing okay most of Sunday. We had a blast at Jamie’s birthday party (see pics at link below) , but I was wiped out after. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one. Landon came home and fell asleep on the couch a little before 6. He did not want to wake up, so we put him down early and caught up on Supernatural. I love that show.
Landon then woke up at 9pm, 10:30pm, and midnight. At midnight I did something I haven’t done before. I moved him into our bed. He slept, we didn’t sleep so well. He tossed, he turned, he woke up and talked, and overall kept us from sleeping. Not to mention the kicking and cuddling he did.
He didn’t want to go to school today, and he cried when I left him, although part of that was because I messed up his routine. See, normally I drop him off at 6:30am, and I drop him in the Monkey room. (Landon is a jaguar, the 2 year old room is the monkey room). About 6:50, the first jaguar teacher shows up and takes him to the jaguar classroom. Since I had today off, I let Landon sleep in a little, and we got to school at 7. Walking past the monkey room to the jaguar room was just too much of a change for him. He cried for the monkey room. Weird child.
Landon went with us to pick out Jamie’s present; we got Jamie a dump truck toy at Costco. Landon loved it. I told him to ask Santa for one (wink wink). Anyway, he has been obsessed with it, and when I picked him up today he asked if we could go to Laura’s so he could play with Jamie’s dump truck.
I ran some errands today and wrapped Christmas and Hanukkah presents.

It feels like I’ve been pregnant forever at this point. 4 more weeks to the “safe zone” I’m really looking forward to the baby shower in two weeks. Is it weird that I sign cards/presents/gifts to people “Love, Landon, Ollie, Bobby and Jen”? given that Ollie’s not born? What about for the Christmas gifts I wrapped? Sometimes I worry I am cursing something to go wrong, by having already wrapped and addressed presents to Ollie.

Jamie's 4th birthday

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