made by m0mmy_x3 @ baby_graphix
made by m0mmy_x3 @ baby_graphix

Landon and his cousins
Landon and his cousins


the boys
the boys


more boys
more boys


the boys again
the boys again


and finally, the boys
and finally, the boys


but I'm sad!
but I’m sad!

Sept 07





Woo Hoo! the park!
Woo Hoo! the park!

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

up the stairs
up the stairs

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

down the stairs
down the stairs

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

superbaby to the rescute
superbaby to the rescute

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

hi mom
hi mom

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

i said cheese!
i said cheese!

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

up the slide
up the slide

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

look at those kids on the seesaw!
look at those kids on the seesaw!

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

I can do it!
I can do it!

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

I am a sound investor.  I put my money in my pig
I am a sound investor. I put my money in my pig

Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ 9/22/07

playdate fun
playdate fun

Ali’s place Mesa, AZ 9/22/07

Roary is looking good!
Roary is looking good!

Ali’s place Mesa, AZ 9/22/07

yum, bagel
yum, bagel

Ali’s place Mesa, AZ 9/22/07

Landon is lonely
Landon is lonely

Ali’s place Mesa, AZ 9/22/07

Letter from mom Year 1.1

Dear Landon,
You’ve hit thirteen months. You had your first dentist appointment this month. Your pediatrician referred us because you had a funky front tooth.
Basically, If I am looking at you, (or at this picture, below) it is your front tooth on my left side. I think (and I admit to being bad at left and right) that makes it your right front tooth. It has another tooth that is coming in with it.

That tooth is an extra tooth, as in, you have one more tooth than you should. It is connected somehow to that front tooth. Not sure if it’s connected at the root or not. They tell me that just because your baby teeth came in that way doesn’t mean your adult teeth will. Also, the dentist said he would like to seal that tooth, or fill in the gap between the two connected teeth, but to do that, at your age, he would have to make it an overnight stay in the hospital.
Instead of that, we are supposed to just brush your teeth a lot and take you to the dentist every six months. I was impressed with the fact that you let the dentist clean your teeth with minimal fuss. I sat down facing the dentist with my knees touching his. I then picked you up and set you in my lap facing me, then laid you down so your head was on the dentist’s knees. He was able to work on your teeth and you held your mouth open for him, no problems!
You also have some molars coming in, finally! They have broken through the gum line, and soon you will be chewing everything like a pro! That being said, you eat just about anything, but don’t seem too fond of the veggies anymore. For some reason you eat better at Laura’s than you do with me at home. I don’t know why this is!
This month your Dad took his first out of town work trip in a long time. Last time you were too young to really express that you missed him. This time you let me know that you were worried about him by asking for many hugs and reassurances that I wasn’t going anywhere, along with a little extra fuss thrown in. Overall, this month you have been very good.
At some point we changed over to one nap a day, and we have recently managed to move that nap to about 11:30 on most days, although its still pretty flexible. You sleep for anywhere from 90 minutes to three hours on an average nap.
You still love to be outside. It’s your favorite thing. We took you to the park a couple of times this month, and you loved it. You would explore and walk and enjoy the outside and play on the swings. When it was time to leave, you would throw the worst temper tantrums, straining against the car seat restraints.
This month you were also in your first car accident. Someone rear ended us on the freeway at speed. We had to take you the emergency room to get checked out, just to be safe. It was very scary, but you were fine.
We had your one year birthday party, and so many people came! It was so much fun. You really seemed to enjoy it, and you loved the presents.
Your current obsession is with remotes and wheels. Anything with wheels you find to be awesome. You will turn your toy cars over so you can get better access to play with the wheels. When we go shopping, I give you a car and a slice of bread. You play with the wheels on the car and eat your bread, and are generally a happy baby, even if you do leave a trail of bread crumbs throughout the store.
You also spent the night at grandma’s and met your latest cousin Jesse this month.
You had a very big month!
We love you with all our hearts.

Love always,

Good Morning Mom!
Good Morning Mom!
Where did Landon go?
Where did Landon go?
Peek-a-boo! I see you!
Peek-a-boo! I see you!
Landon and Emily sitting in a tree
Landon and Emily sitting in a tree
Landon pushing emily down
Landon pushing emily down
Actually, he really did push her off the other side of the slide later in the night. Poor Emily! 9/12/07
Lan and Em playing together nicely
Lan and Em playing together nicely
Thank you Gyan for babysitting!!

What is that tiny thing?
What is that tiny thing?
Landon meets his cousin Jesse for the first time 9/5/07
Watermelon for breakfast is the best
Watermelon for breakfast is the best
I want to send hugs to my dada!
I want to send hugs to my dada!
all done!
all done!
this is part of how landon tells us he is all done. He says “all done” and puts his hands in the air like this. 9/12/07

look mom! Cup!!
look mom! Cup!!
Landon is failing at drinking out of a cup. Aug 07
Is this how it works?
Is this how it works?
Aug 07
Wait, now I'm supposed to rescue you?
Wait, now I’m supposed to rescue you?
Emily and Landon playing 9/1/07
We are the children of the corn
We are the children of the corn
Emily and Landon playing 9/1/07
They look so big in this picture! Emily and Landon playing 9/1/07
Emily, Smile!
Emily, Smile!
I told her to smile and she did! Emily and Landon playing 9/1/07
Em will share
Em will share
Emily and Landon playing 9/1/07
Emily wonders,
Emily wonders,
Emily and Landon playing 9/1/07
No, it works like this!
No, it works like this!
Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
the great sippy cup swap
the great sippy cup swap
Every time we get these two together, they insist on switching sippy cups. We give them the exact same thing in both cups, but alas, they don’t care! Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
Tastes better in purple and green
Tastes better in purple and green
and we finally just give up and let them have each other’s sippy. Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
Taco Del Mar is so yummy
Taco Del Mar is so yummy
We get landon a chicken soft taco and some rice and beans. Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
King of the hill!
King of the hill!
Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
I'm not sure I am doing this right
I’m not sure I am doing this right
Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
Emily says,
Emily says,
Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
Worship you?!?!? I'll show you king of the slide!
Worship you?!?!? I’ll show you king of the slide!
Landon and Emily playing 9/1/07
hi Uncle Jack, nice hat!
hi Uncle Jack, nice hat!
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
can I see it?
can I see it?
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
Wow! What do you do with it?
Wow! What do you do with it?
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
It goes on your head?
It goes on your head?
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
let me see that.
let me see that.
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
can I put it on your nose?
can I put it on your nose?
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
oh, it goes on MY head!
oh, it goes on MY head!
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
let me put it up there
let me put it up there
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
okay, that didn't work, lets put it back on your head then
okay, that didn’t work, lets put it back on your head then
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
okay, that didn't work either
okay, that didn’t work either
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07
I am so confused!
I am so confused!
Uncle Jack and Landon discuss hats 9/3/07

11 seconds, Landon goes from sitting to standing to walking without the aid of anyone!

34 seconds Landon babbles while finishing dinner

Welcome to Jesse

We interrupt Landon’s normal journal content to bring you pictures of someone else! Not to confuse you, but you have to see Landon’s cousin, Jesse James G.
JJG was born yesterday (9/4/07) at about 1pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 15oz. Mom had a C section, but she looked beautiful, if a little out of it, and seems to be recovering fine.

Hello Jesse! Welcome to the world.
Hello Jesse! Welcome to the world.
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007
big yawn
big yawn
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007
almost opening his eyes
almost opening his eyes
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007
so comfy
so comfy
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007
with Mom
with Mom
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007
look at the toes!
look at the toes!
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007
good night Jesse!
good night Jesse!
Jesse James, on his birthday, Sept 4 2007