Storm Troopers say Cheese!

I know I’ve been a little behind on posting recently. I’ve been a bit depressed, for many reasons, but I think I’m starting to snap out of it, so at least there is that.

We had a pretty busy weekend. Friday night I ran my D&D game. We had a pretty good session, no players died, so that’s a plus. We didn’t get as far as I would have liked too, but we were all so tired!
As I posted on Saturday, I was watching Em and Landon, which was fun. I did take some more cute pictures

I love this picture

Em and Landon were so cute playing together, I had fun watching them. Bobby didn’t get home from his games until after dinner though, and I missed eating with him. I don’t like to eat alone, although I can do it, especially if I have something to read. It’s easier to not eat with Landon, in the sense that he often CAN’T eat what I eat.

Sunday we got up and went to the ComicCon. In the morning Bobby, Landon, Gyan, and Emily all came up, and we saw some storm troopers:

Not storm troopers!

We all had lunch together, and I stayed to help a friend run her SciFi photo both. I had a lot of fun people watching and just enjoying the company. I think that the booth was a neat idea! Basically green screen photos. I had one done, I’ll post it next week when it’s available, you guys let me know what you think.

I was wearing my “The Angels have the phonebox” shirt on, and I totally got stopped twice, plus a third person who not only stopped me, but insisted on taking a picture. I thought that was totally weird, but cool. There were so many people in costume too. Although I have to admit, I don’t get the whole Lolita thing. It kinds weirds me out.

You can see the whole set of both ComicCon and Landon’s play date with Em here. I’m still using LJ for picture hosting. I just can’t find another site I like more!

Time for a bike race
Time for a bike race
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Em taunts Landon
Em taunts Landon
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Use the pedals!
Use the pedals!
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Em takes the lead!
Em takes the lead!
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Em decides she doesn't like the new bike
Em decides she doesn’t like the new bike
Landon & Em 1/24/09
perhaps a few short races?
perhaps a few short races?
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Landon & Em 1/24/09
more running
more running
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Landon & Em 1/24/09
enjoying the view
enjoying the view
Landon & Em 1/24/09
sharing a secret
sharing a secret
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Landon on top
Landon on top
Landon & Em 1/24/09
let me help you up!
let me help you up!
Landon & Em 1/24/09
woot, we made it!
woot, we made it!
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Landon & Em 1/24/09
okay, you don't need to strangle me!
okay, you don’t need to strangle me!
Landon & Em 1/24/09
I love this picture
I love this picture
Landon & Em 1/24/09
Not storm troopers!
Not storm troopers!
ComicCon 1/25/09
father/child bonding
father/child bonding
ComicCon 1/25/09
its Karr!!!
its Karr!!!
ComicCon 1/25/09

Landon and Em

I’m currently watching Em, so that Bobby and Gyan can go play with their “dolls” at the Game Depot.

Landon and Emily have been so cute, I just had to share some of the pictures.

Stealing a kiss

Stealing a kiss

Forever Friends

Forever Friends

India Jade

9/3/03 – 1/20/09

9/3/03 – 1/20/09


India Jade

9/3/03 – 1/20/09


Let me catch you up.  Back in 2002 we had a Basenji named Russia, who, just before her first birthday, got horribly ill.  After spending thousands of dollars on her, she died.


We loved her very much, and she was such a custom dog, that we decided to get another Basenji.  I found India in Seattle, and we were thrilled with her.  She had her share of health problems too though, including a weird abscess that came and went for most of her life, which occasionally had to be drained by the vet.


India, like all basenjis, couldn’t bark,  but she loved to tell you things with her little yodels.  She had a mind of her own, and liked to tell everyone how to mind their business.  She had such curiosity about everything. 


When we moved to Arizona, India and Columbia lived with my in-laws for a while, as we were staying in an apartment and building our house.  Once we moved into the house, India and Colo moved in with us.  But India wouldn’t stay.  After having spent so much time in the huge yard that my in-laws have, India just wasn’t happy to stay in the yard.  She dug out of every cage, dog run, and yard we tried. 


So last year, in January, Bobby’s brother Shain adopted her.  India was very happy living with Shain.  She enjoyed having a person who could spend time with her, and she had lots more space to roam, and a new “sister” (Rodeo, a pure breed blue heeler) who bossed her around and put her in her place.


About 2 weeks ago, India started acting odd.  Shain took her to the vet, and after much prodding, they finally diagnoised her with Valley Fever.  It was an advanced case, and the last few days have been very rough on her.  She’d been very ill.  Bobby and I went up to see her on Sunday.  She was sickly, but at that time we thought she was on the mend.   I wish I’d known it was the last time I’d see her.  We petted on her and told her we loved her, and that she should get better.  Instead, she took a turn for the worse, and started vomiting.  She couldn’t keep the meds down, and finally passed last night. 


Rest in Peace India Jade.  You were a good dog.  We loved you very much.  I hope you understand that we gave you to Shain to keep you safe from cars, coyotes, and other things that could have gotten to you outside our fence. 


You will always be remembered with love.   

Landon letter 29 months

Dear Landon
You are now two years and five months old. I know I say this a lot, but it is just amazing to watch you grow! You language skills really do amaze me every month. You can very clearly tell us what you want now, and can be rather demanding. You still aren’t totally clear in everything you say, but you are coming along rather nicely.
Let’s see, it’s been two months since our last letter. Let’s start out by talking about bath time. Recently, you’ve come around to liking bath time again. We tell you it’s time to play with your bath toys, and you go into the bathroom rather happily. You like to pour water from one cup to another, and then drink the bath water saying “Good Coffee!” On the bath tub water spout, we currently have a Fire fighter rubber duck cover to keep you from hitting your head. You like to open the flip top hat on the duck and pour water into it. Then you make a sort of grinding sound, like an espresso machine. After that you will hand out imaginary cups of coffee to us. We have dubbed this Firefighter Duck Coffee, and declared it the best in the world.
We did, also, give you your first ever bubble bath. I’ve held off, because with your Eczema and allergies, it didn’t seem like a great idea. Also, as a child, I had skin reactions to many bubble baths and bath paints. You really enjoyed the bubble bath, but unfortunately, you also got a skin reaction to it. This means no more bubble baths for a while.

You enjoy watching a movie in your bedroom. You often ask to watch movies, and it’s cute the way you name them. Your favorites right now are Kung Fu Panda (panda), Horton Hears a Who (elephant), Wall-E (wally), Cars (cars) and Madagascar (Giraffe). One of the things I am grateful for is how you are willing, after a long day at Laura’s and a hard day at work for your parents, to sit down with us and watch a little TV, or go into your room and watch an hour of a movie, so that your father and I can get back some of our sanity. We really appreciate it!

You and Emily have been spending a little more time together recently. Dada and Emily’s Dad have gotten together more often to play with their 40K dolls. They have fun and keep an eye on you and Emily. I like it because you guys get some time to play together on a Sunday morning, and I get to catch up on sleep! You and Emily are learning how to share and play together, and you seem to really have a blast. You often ask if you can go to Emily’s house!
Just a note, both you and Emily, as well as some of the other daycare children had Fifth’s disease in the last two months. Just an FYI for you.

We celebrated your third Christmas Hanukah, and Solstice last month. What a whirlwind the holidays are! We took you to meet Santa, and you Totally Freaked on him. I don’t know why. You like people; normally people don’t freak you out. You loved all the lights this year. You also finally seemed to understand the concept of presents and opening them. I was a little sad that you walked right by the gifts that Santa left out for you though! I was so excited to see your face, and you didn’t even notice them! Once I pointed out the fire truck you seemed to enjoy the presents! You would open a gift, and I could tell instantly if you loved it or not. If you loved it, you would ask us to take it out of the box right now! If you didn’t you would smile and raise your arms out and sweetly say, “More Presents?”
You totally enjoyed Christmas. You made out like a bandit, of course. Your favorite gifts where the ones with wheels. You got two fire trucks that you love to play with, and a toddler sized big wheels which you ride around the house. You also got some clothes and some coloring books. You love stickers as well.

You got milk poisoned again, at Laura’s this time. One of the girls left some yogurt out, and you stole it and ate it. You broke out in a pretty bad rash, but recovered quickly and didn’t seem to have any breathing issues. You have also developed an over possessiveness around food. If you are presented with a plate of food that you decide is yours, you will not willing share it. In fact you will through a temper tantrum if someone tries to take the food away, even if you don’t want it.

We took a mini vacation to see the snow in Flagstaff. We stayed at a hotel, and Daddy made you a bed on the floor under the sink. You really liked having the cave like space to yourself, and you had a sleeping bag and pillow and lots of blankets. You loved the snow. You wanted to play in it all day long. We also went up to see the Grand Canyon. It was so beautiful! Although you loved the snow more than the canyon. Overall we had a good trip, although you were pretty bored by the time we were on the way home, you felt that the drive home was too long!

Probably the most disgusting thing to happen in the last month was that you finally had your first poop mess. You took your diaper off while you were supposed to be napping, and then you decided to poop. After that you thought for some reason it needed to be in the window, and that your cars might like to drive in it. It was just weird and gross. I opened the door to wake you up from the nap, and found you naked, covered in poop. I grabbed you and took you to the shower. I turned it on and you Freaked Out. Apparently you don’t like showers very much. It took us a long time to get you and your room cleaned up. I have to say that in the end, it was pretty gross, and I’m thankful that you haven’t done it again since.

Overall you have been a good kid. You love to go to Laura’s. I can’t say what you do there all day, but you totally love to go there and ask to go almost every day. You are an amazing little boy! We love you very much.

Love Always

Landon letter

Dear Landon
You are now two years and five months old. I know I say this a lot, but it is just amazing to watch you grow! You language skills really do amaze me every month. You can very clearly tell us what you want now, and can be rather demanding. You still aren’t totally clear in everything you say, but you are coming along rather nicely.
Let’s see, it’s been two months since our last letter. Let’s start out by talking about bath time. Recently, you’ve come around to liking bath time again. We tell you it’s time to play with your bath toys, and you go into the bathroom rather happily. You like to pour water from one cup to another, and then drink the bath water saying “Good Coffee!” On the bath tub water spout, we currently have a Fire fighter rubber duck cover to keep you from hitting your head. You like to open the flip top hat on the duck and pour water into it. Then you make a sort of grinding sound, like an espresso machine. After that you will hand out imaginary cups of coffee to us. We have dubbed this Firefighter Duck Coffee, and declared it the best in the world.
We did, also, give you your first ever bubble bath. I’ve held off, because with your Eczema and allergies, it didn’t seem like a great idea. Also, as a child, I had skin reactions to many bubble baths and bath paints. You really enjoyed the bubble bath, but unfortunately, you also got a skin reaction to it. This means no more bubble baths for a while.

You enjoy watching a movie in your bedroom. You often ask to watch movies, and it’s cute the way you name them. Your favorites right now are Kung Fu Panda (panda), Horton Hears a Who (elephant), Wall-E (wally), Cars (cars) and Madagascar (Giraffe). One of the things I am grateful for is how you are willing, after a long day at Laura’s and a hard day at work for your parents, to sit down with us and watch a little TV, or go into your room and watch an hour of a movie, so that your father and I can get back some of our sanity. We really appreciate it!

You and Emily have been spending a little more time together recently. Dada and Emily’s Dad have gotten together more often to play with their 40K dolls. They have fun and keep an eye on you and Emily. I like it because you guys get some time to play together on a Sunday morning, and I get to catch up on sleep! You and Emily are learning how to share and play together, and you seem to really have a blast. You often ask if you can go to Emily’s house!
Just a note, both you and Emily, as well as some of the other daycare children had Fifth’s disease in the last two months. Just an FYI for you.

We celebrated your third Christmas Hanukah, and Solstice last month. What a whirlwind the holidays are! We took you to meet Santa, and you Totally Freaked on him. I don’t know why. You like people; normally people don’t freak you out. You loved all the lights this year. You also finally seemed to understand the concept of presents and opening them. I was a little sad that you walked right by the gifts that Santa left out for you though! I was so excited to see your face, and you didn’t even notice them! Once I pointed out the fire truck you seemed to enjoy the presents! You would open a gift, and I could tell instantly if you loved it or not. If you loved it, you would ask us to take it out of the box right now! If you didn’t you would smile and raise your arms out and sweetly say, “More Presents?”
You totally enjoyed Christmas. You made out like a bandit, of course. Your favorite gifts where the ones with wheels. You got two fire trucks that you love to play with, and a toddler sized big wheels which you ride around the house. You also got some clothes and some coloring books. You love stickers as well.

You got milk poisoned again, at Laura’s this time. One of the girls left some yogurt out, and you stole it and ate it. You broke out in a pretty bad rash, but recovered quickly and didn’t seem to have any breathing issues. You have also developed an over possessiveness around food. If you are presented with a plate of food that you decide is yours, you will not willing share it. In fact you will through a temper tantrum if someone tries to take the food away, even if you don’t want it.

We took a mini vacation to see the snow in Flagstaff. We stayed at a hotel, and Daddy made you a bed on the floor under the sink. You really liked having the cave like space to yourself, and you had a sleeping bag and pillow and lots of blankets. You loved the snow. You wanted to play in it all day long. We also went up to see the Grand Canyon. It was so beautiful! Although you loved the snow more than the canyon. Overall we had a good trip, although you were pretty bored by the time we were on the way home, you felt that the drive home was too long!

Probably the most disgusting thing to happen in the last month was that you finally had your first poop mess. You took your diaper off while you were supposed to be napping, and then you decided to poop. After that you thought for some reason it needed to be in the window, and that your cars might like to drive in it. It was just weird and gross. I opened the door to wake you up from the nap, and found you naked, covered in poop. I grabbed you and took you to the shower. I turned it on and you Freaked Out. Apparently you don’t like showers very much. It took us a long time to get you and your room cleaned up. I have to say that in the end, it was pretty gross, and I’m thankful that you haven’t done it again since.

Overall you have been a good kid. You love to go to Laura’s. I can’t say what you do there all day, but you totally love to go there and ask to go almost every day. You are an amazing little boy! We love you very much.

Love Always

Playground incident

Landon and I went to Prospector Park yesterday. Upon our arrival, I noted how busy the playground we had pulled up to was, as the park has two playgrounds separated by a large field. Landon had a blast on playground one, swinging on swings and sliding down slides. He was fascinated by the older kids on the spinning merry-go-round. He wanted to play too, but I didn’t feel comfortable with it, as the kids playing on it were much older than Landon, and playing pretty rough and pretty fast. I decided to talk Landon into walking to the second playground.

We arrived on the second playground, and there were about 4 kids near Landon’s age on the playground, who were being “watched” by four people, who ranged in age, at a guess, from about 15 to 21. One of them was a young woman holding a baby who looked about six months old. Landon started climbing and having fun with the other kids, and I would have been happy to let him play with them, and to stay on the less crowded playground. The problem was that the “watchers” of the other kids were using the F word every other word. I try not to cuss around Landon, because I don’t want him to get in the habit and find himself in trouble with teachers. Beyond that, I don’t see how a playground aimed at young children is the appropriate place to be yelling what some people consider obscenities.

I was debating whether or not to ask them to tone down the language, when there, on the playground, they lit up cigarettes. I decided it was just time to go. I must have shaken my head at them as I attempted to gather Landon from the slide and go, because the girl with the baby yelled at me, something along the lines of why was I shaking my head at them.

At this point I turned around and said in a calm, but irritated voice that I did not want my son around people who were cussing and smoking on the playground. The girl replied that she wasn’t smoking. (She was standing right next to the others, who were smoking, and she had been cussing.) I replied then I wasn’t shaking my head at her, was I. I finally got Landon off the slide and we started walking away, when one of the teen boys yells at me, “What’s wrong, are you racist?”

That made me so angry. I had noticed at one point that the teens might be of Hispanic descent, but it had nothing to do with anything at this point. It was their BEHAVIOR that had prompted me to take my child to another part of the park.

I turned to them, (I was already in the field on my way back to the park) and loudly replied, “No, I am not, I just don’t appreciate people using that kind of language or smoking around my son.” And Landon and I walked off.

How is it that “Race” was even brought up in this situation? I don’t see where the comment even came from. I brought Landon over and he was playing with the kids just fine for about five minutes before the teens lit up. I didn’t get really angry until that point, because I don’t stress too much about cussing, although I admit I was annoyed because it was a lot of cussing, they could have been writers for Deadwood!

We went back to the other park and played for another 10 minutes, and then we went home.

Sin Taxes on Soda
What do you think?  Would it help?

More taxs always suck, sin taxes I’m usually okay with.  I don’t think it will stop people from drinking soda, and it will probably increase the cost of drinks, particularly at “serve yourself” drink stations.  “No man, I swear I’ll get diet!  Give me the cheaper price?”  
This means that prices for a “Meal” at McD’s will go up.

why WP

Well, Livejournal is down at the moment.
So lets take a minute to explain this new blog. I wanted to back up my my six or so plus years of LJ blogging, given the current status of LJ and it’s recent changes of hand. I don’t plan to give up my lj, just keep a record over here too.
All my posts from LJ have been moved over, however my private entries and friends only entries and filtered entries all showed as public. I’ve made all my entries private except for the last few. Eventually I will go through them and make some of them public.

I’m still trying to figure out which picture uploader is a good one to use. I’d like something that will let me continue my epic picture posts alive and easy to do. Flickr, as far as I can tell, would make me get the code for each picture, instead of as a group. Any thoughts?

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