
Bobby and I took a vacation from gaming with one of our two groups around the time we had Ollie. They played a steampunk game, and I didn’t have a ton of interest in, and we were aware that we would be stressed and tired with a new baby. We host our other game, so people come to us, and that makes it easier.

Anyway, I found a Deadlands adventure that I’ve been wanting to run, so I put together a group to play it. I’m already over the “recommended playing size” for the adventure, which will make it harder to run, but I will manage. I’ve got people already working on characters and our first game in on July 2nd!

I love running Deadlands, its such a fun game. I’ll keep you posted as to how it goes. I’m running Deadlands Reloaded: Savage Worlds, The Flood adventure.

So far it looks like my players will have the following characters:
-Voodoo practicing bounty hunter
-Taoish faith healer
-Crusty Prospector
-Sniper Bounty Hunter
-English Noble
-Jack of all trades
-Ghost rock sniffer
-Holy warrior

Pool time in slow motion

From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun
From Pool time fun

Father’s day pics

From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about
From Out and about

Father’s Day 2010
Father's Day 2010
June 20, 2010
Uncle Sam, Ollie, Bobby, Landon, Jen, Great Uncle Jack
June 20, 2010
Ollie and Grandpa
June 20, 2010
Ollie and Grandpa
Grandma and Ollie
June 20, 2010
Grandma and Ollie
HI Ollie!
June 20, 2010 (I love how his hair stands up!)
HI Ollie!
Father’s day pic
June 20, 2010 (so sad this is fuzzy)
Father's day pic
father’s day pic
less fuzzy June 20, 2010
father's day pic

Landon letter 3.10

Dear Landon-

You are 10 months and 3 years old. I am just amazed at how fast you are growing up. You really do have a knack for technology! You love to play video games. Your current favorite game is Plants Vs. Zombies. The other day you told me that you wanted to “catch the zombies so I can Rule The World” and followed it up with something similar to an evil laugh. I was very amused. You talk about Zombies now.

You are quiet the drama king in the mornings. Everything has to go exactly right on a school morning, or you end up just a puddle of upsetness. The school assures us that you perk right up after Dada drops you off, but it’s so hard to manage some mornings.

Swimming is going, well, swimmingly. I’m going to say it, you can swim. You can swim to the side of the pool, or you can swim out to me. You can swim for as long as you can hold your breath. Once you run out of breath though, you better have something to grab on to, because so far you have been unable to get your head above water without grabbing something. You still can’t tread water or hold your head up out of the water. But you can sure move around in the water without too much issue! If we got you some gills you would be set!

We love you very much!


At the Mall

From Out and about

At the mall

From Out and about

I really am trying to get healthy.

When we went to the cabin last time, and we hiked down to the bottom of Natural Bridge, I realized that in just three years, I’m going to have a very fit husband, a hyper little six year old boy, and a three year old boy, all of whom were going to have triple my stamina. Something needs to change.

I’m not into physical activities. I eat what I want, and pretty much however much I want. I like hiking, and I love swimming and playing with my boys. If I want to keep up with them for the next 18 years, I’ve got to get off my rear end.

I did my health check last month, and my cholesterol is a little high, and my BMI is high. So beyond wanting to keep up with my boys, it would be nice to get those numbers down. I’d rather not die the same way my dad did.

And of course, I want to look better, thinner, and fit into some of my older, cuter clothes.

So last week I started working out at the gym at my work again. I’m trying (Thanks to the book I read while pregnant called “Born to Run”) to take up running. Running isn’t something I’ve ever enjoyed before. I’m trying a new take on it. In the book, someone said, “Make it easy, and if that’s all you get, that’s pretty good.” Or something like that. So I’m starting out easy. I’m doing intervals, 3.5 MPH for 1 minute them 4 MPH for 1 minute. I walk the 3.5 and jog the 4. In the future I hope to transition to more running/jogging and less walking.

Due in part to Bobby not working, I’m also trying to adjust my eating. I’m trying to bring my lunch 3 days a week. That leaves me one day a week to eat out with a friend, and three days a week to work out and bring my lunch. I’m hoping to start lowering my calorie count by bringing my lunch, and maybe even start counting calories again.

Here’s hoping I can stick to this. I really do need to make a change here.

Ollie @ 7 months

Ollie @ 7 months

Ollie @ 7 months

A job on the side

Most of you who follow me around the internet already know this, but I wanted to share the news here, on my public blog as well.

I’ve started writing for

I am a Love and Marriage Examiner. The concept of my column is to write article to help illustrate that as long as two people are both willing to work on the relationship, there is no reason for a marriage to fail. I’m attempting to provide articles that support that theory as well as tools to help keep couples together long term.

It’s a lot of fun to write for them. I’m enjoying coming up with topics and the like. I do get paid by traffic, so you stopping by and reading the articles is very much appreciated. Comments on the articles are also nice as well.

If you want to write for them as well, and you list me as a referral, I do get a bonus, so let me know, and please GO READ.


Overall things have been going pretty well. It was a weird weekend though. Friday we didn’t have anything planned, which was pretty weird. We got in the pool with the kids and had a relaxing evening. Landon is getting better at swimming. He can swim from point A to point B under water, and he can grab the side of the pool and pull himself up. But he can’t keep his head above water, not while swimming, not while treading water, just not at all. I think it’s cause he has such a huge head! Seriously, it worries me a little because he has no fear of the water anymore, but I don’t feel comfortable that if he fell in that he could get to the side on his own yet. Still, he’s made major progress. Oliver loves being in the pool and floating around.

Saturday we hit Spinato’s for lunch with Uncle Sam and Uncle Jack, before hitting a store and heading home. Sunday we didn’t leave the house. That’s just weird for us. We did spend more time in the pool.

We’re still having issues with Oliver and constipation, which is partly due to the solid food, I know. He’s getting purees at least once a day, sometimes up to 3 times. We gave him some cheerios the other day, but he has trouble picking them up to get to his mouth. He enjoys bananas, when he can manage to get them to his mouth as well, and he loves his teething biscuits. Next time we are out we’ll get more pureed prunes for him and hope it helps.

I’m a little worried that Oliver doesn’t talk yet. I expected to have a “dada” and “mama” at this point. I know it doesn’t mean anything and that I shouldn’t be stressed, but I am. I have been trying to really focus on talking to him, and it would help I think if we mixed up his bedtime routine to include some books. We read Landon about 6 books most nights, as part of his bedtime routine. He gets three from mom and three from dad. I don’t remember how old he was when we started this. Ideally I’d like to just combine book time, but I’m not sure how to do that. Oliver eats right before bed, and I want to change that as well, so he eats, then bathes, then book, then bed. At the same time, he JUST started sleeping through the night, do I really want to mess with his routine?

I don’t want to post spoilers or anything, but I am really not liking this season of Dr. Who, which makes me very sad.

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